
휴지 상태 및 스프링 부트에서 배치 삽입을 활성화하는 방법

lovejava 2023. 4. 4. 20:23

휴지 상태 및 스프링 부트에서 배치 삽입을 활성화하는 방법

크로스 테이블에 다수의 엔티티를 삽입하고 싶다.그러기 위해서, 휴지 상태의 배치 삽입 옵션을 유효하게 하고, 각 삽입이 1 행이 아닌 20 행 또는 50 행이 한 번에 추가되도록 합니다.

동면기의 튜토리얼 결과를 재현하려고 합니다.다음과 같이 30명의 고객을 삽입하는 테스트 기능을 만들었습니다.

//Batch inserting test entities
//This code is inside transaction already, so I'm not creating a new one
for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
    Customer customer = new Customer("Customer" + i, (i + 5) * 1000, "Position " + i);
    if (i % 20 == 0) {

Customer 클래스에 생성된 ID가 없습니다.

public class Customer {

    private String id;
    private String name;
    private long salary;
    private String position;

    public Customer() {


    public Customer(String name, long salary, String position) { = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); = name;
        this.salary = salary;
        this.position = position;


2개의 삽입문을 볼 수 있을 것 같습니다.하나는 20개의 레코드에 1개는 10개의 레코드에 1개입니다.단, postgres 로그를 열면 30개의 insert 문이 표시되며, 각 문은 1개의 행만 삽입합니다.postgres를 사용하여 여러 행을 삽입할 수 있는지 다시 확인했습니다.

저는 이 문제가 다음 중 하나에 의해 발생했다고 생각합니다.hibernate.jdbc.batch_size 20동면 시 전달하기로 되어 있는 파라미터입니다.단, 스프링 부트를 사용하고 있기 때문에 가지고 있는 설정 파일은 application.properties뿐입니다.그래서 거기에 넣으려고 했어요.


답변에 따르면 이 정도면 충분합니다만, 이 파라미터들을 복사해 보았습니다.hibernate.properties명령줄을 통해 파라미터를 입력했습니다.-Dhibernate.jdbc.batch_size=20매뉴얼에 기재되어 있는 바와 같이.

이것들 중 아무 것도 도움이 안 돼요.
코드에서 배치 크기 속성을 읽는 방법도 찾을 수 없습니다.하이버네이트의 설명서에 기재되어 있는 오브젝트의 대부분은 스프링 부트 어플리케이션에는 존재하지 않는 것 같습니다.
스프링 부트 어플리케이션 내에서 휴지 상태의 배치 삽입을 활성화하려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?

문제를 재현하는 최소한의 작업 예를 작성했습니다.

Vlad Mihalcea로부터 답변을 받은 후, 나는 적어도 휴지 상태 및 jdbc 레벨에서 batch 스테이트먼트가 기능하고 있다는 것을 깨달았다.

단, 포스트그레스 로그 자체는 매우 흥미로운 동작을 나타내고 있습니다.배치 삽입과 일반 삽입의 경우는 거의 동일합니다.

처음에 예상한 것은 휴지 상태에서는 다음과 같은 문장이 사용된다는 것입니다.

test=# INSERT INTO customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('CustomerX', 'PositionX', '1000', 'idX'), ('CUSTOMERY', 'POSITIONY', '1000', 'idY');

그러면 다음과 같은 로그 레코드가 생성됩니다.

2015-12-15 11:43:33.238 MSK LOG:  statement: INSERT INTO customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('CustomerX', 'PositionX', '1000', 'idX'), ('CUSTOMERY', 'POSITIONY', '1000', 'idY');

하지만 사실은 그렇지 않다.
배치 삽입이 네이블로 되어 있는 경우(p6spy는 실제로 문이 배치되어 있는 것을 나타냅니다), postgres는 다음과 같은 로그를 생성합니다.

2015-12-15 12:07:00.638 MSK LOG:  execute <unnamed>: BEGIN
2015-12-15 12:07:00.638 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:07:00.638 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  parse <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.638 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.638 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer0', $2 = 'Position 0', $3 = '0', $4 = '9c6a86fb-c991-4e98-aa65-fa736ef67dd7'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.638 MSK LOG:  execute <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.638 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer0', $2 = 'Position 0', $3 = '0', $4 = '9c6a86fb-c991-4e98-aa65-fa736ef67dd7'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.639 MSK LOG:  duration: 1.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  parse S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer1', $2 = 'Position 1', $3 = '10', $4 = 'c8b2669c-044a-4a4d-acbd-31c3bcd9a783'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK LOG:  execute S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer1', $2 = 'Position 1', $3 = '10', $4 = 'c8b2669c-044a-4a4d-acbd-31c3bcd9a783'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.648 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer2', $2 = 'Position 2', $3 = '20', $4 = '1c694f41-2ce7-4ee2-a0c0-f359690506f0'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  execute S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer2', $2 = 'Position 2', $3 = '20', $4 = '1c694f41-2ce7-4ee2-a0c0-f359690506f0'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer3', $2 = 'Position 3', $3 = '30', $4 = '1815947d-2604-48d4-a6be-43f6905130cf'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  execute S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer3', $2 = 'Position 3', $3 = '30', $4 = '1815947d-2604-48d4-a6be-43f6905130cf'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer4', $2 = 'Position 4', $3 = '40', $4 = 'cc521007-820f-4d58-8e1a-16a166aa91cf'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  execute S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer4', $2 = 'Position 4', $3 = '40', $4 = 'cc521007-820f-4d58-8e1a-16a166aa91cf'
2015-12-15 12:07:00.649 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
... the rest of the logs is identical and do not provide any valuable information...

batch 문이 비활성화되어 있는 경우(p6spy는 배치 처리가 수행되지 않음을 나타냄), 로그는 다음과 같습니다.

2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK LOG:  execute <unnamed>: BEGIN
2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  parse <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer0', $2 = 'Position 0', $3 = '0', $4 = '9e085ad0-437f-4d7d-afaa-e342e031cbee'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK LOG:  execute <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer0', $2 = 'Position 0', $3 = '0', $4 = '9e085ad0-437f-4d7d-afaa-e342e031cbee'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.246 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:09:00.248 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  parse <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.248 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.248 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer1', $2 = 'Position 1', $3 = '10', $4 = 'f29cfa40-7d24-49a6-ae5d-2a2021932d80'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.248 MSK LOG:  execute <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.248 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer1', $2 = 'Position 1', $3 = '10', $4 = 'f29cfa40-7d24-49a6-ae5d-2a2021932d80'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.249 MSK LOG:  duration: 1.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  parse <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer2', $2 = 'Position 2', $3 = '20', $4 = '067dd6d4-5060-467f-b533-75994ecbaedc'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK LOG:  execute <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer2', $2 = 'Position 2', $3 = '20', $4 = '067dd6d4-5060-467f-b533-75994ecbaedc'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  parse <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.250 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer3', $2 = 'Position 3', $3 = '30', $4 = '7df32327-f2f5-4011-848d-55aafb3f09fa'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK LOG:  execute <unnamed>: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer3', $2 = 'Position 3', $3 = '30', $4 = '7df32327-f2f5-4011-848d-55aafb3f09fa'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  parse S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms  bind S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer4', $2 = 'Position 4', $3 = '40', $4 = '1e55ab6a-8780-4c8f-8af2-2886d954f819'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK LOG:  execute S_1: insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'Customer4', $2 = 'Position 4', $3 = '40', $4 = '1e55ab6a-8780-4c8f-8af2-2886d954f819'
2015-12-15 12:09:00.251 MSK LOG:  duration: 0.000 ms
... the rest of the logs is identical and do not provide any valuable information...

따라서 이 둘의 유일한 차이점은 배치가 비활성화되면 postgres가 준비된 문을 재사용해야 한다는 것을 깨닫는 데 시간이 조금 더 걸린다는 것입니다.

그래서 이것을 확인하기 위해 성능 테스트를 실행하기로 했습니다.
빈 데이터베이스에 3만 개의 레코드를 삽입하려고 했습니다.
배치 처리가 비활성화되면 334ms가 소요되었습니다.

그 후 entityManager에 대한 모든 콜을 삭제했습니다.flush(entityManager.clear만 남음)에서 시간이 320ms로 떨어졌습니다.휴지 상태 튜토리얼에서 플러시를 사용하도록 권장하는 이유를 모르겠습니다.그건 그냥 실수인 것 같아요.

결론은 이것입니다.배치는 기능하고 있습니다만, (적어도 포스트그레에 대해서는) 실질적인 메리트는 없습니다. 또한 튜토리얼에서처럼 부적절하게 사용하면 끔찍하고 끔찍한 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다. 자신의 책임 하에 사용하고, 항상 실제적인 퍼포먼스 향상을 측정합니다.

코드에는 아무런 문제가 없으며 정상적으로 동작하고 있습니다.

디버깅하고 p6spy를 설치했더니 작동합니다.테스트 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. »build.gradle하다

    compile 'p6spy:p6spy:2.1.4'
  2. 다음과 같이 연결 속성을 수정합니다.

  3. resources폴더입니다.여기서 다운받으실 수 있습니다.

그러면 일괄 처리된 스테이트먼트가 표시됩니다.

2015-12-14 19:38:03.655  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114683655|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer0', 'Position 0', 5000, '9f92ac01-8156-41f1-9bdb-36ff622a99cc')
2015-12-14 19:38:03.658  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114683658|2|statement|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer0', 'Position 0', 5000, '9f92ac01-8156-41f1-9bdb-36ff622a99cc')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.212  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684212|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer1', 'Position 1', 6000, 'e3a1dc5a-2183-4fb0-aa9a-4fb8cace23a3')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.213  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684213|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer2', 'Position 2', 7000, '8824f5be-afe5-4a6a-ab8a-8f266db5973f')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.213  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684213|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer3', 'Position 3', 8000, '249304b3-19c5-4376-b5dc-2da685c1db64')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.213  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684213|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer4', 'Position 4', 9000, '2bf15945-94c3-45f8-b0d1-e2fedbdcbaca')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.214  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684214|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer5', 'Position 5', 10000, '85b2b999-5d84-4181-9c71-1a83b4d20b86')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.214  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684214|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer6', 'Position 6', 11000, '8ed6289e-3d04-4ba5-9285-9bce202c8dae')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.215  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684215|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer7', 'Position 7', 12000, '2fc489a8-c6c4-4984-808d-2da9a2e8ad4a')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.215  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684215|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer8', 'Position 8', 13000, '897cd341-b65b-4521-87e6-f4fb78b09bfd')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.215  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684215|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer9', 'Position 9', 14000, 'fa59d5a7-2570-43f9-ba46-595b8fcefa35')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.216  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684216|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer10', 'Position 10', 15000, '0b5b38d1-d644-4ea0-a3f0-9aa025463b8a')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.216  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684216|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer11', 'Position 11', 16000, 'afbb349f-cf28-4cfb-b5b8-73b4df6fa4b1')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.216  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684216|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer12', 'Position 12', 17000, 'd6719dc4-1dfd-433f-a8ae-4c931f461e78')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.216  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684216|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer13', 'Position 13', 18000, 'ca277f3c-d51e-493d-a4f7-a945879bd7d0')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.217  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684217|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer14', 'Position 14', 19000, '07014145-332b-4b4c-b320-9412443c45b6')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.217  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684217|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer15', 'Position 15', 20000, '8ffde083-420f-418d-b624-b059b9e28f3b')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.217  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684217|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer16', 'Position 16', 21000, '6ac39900-69db-408a-bda1-4d2706da49ba')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.217  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684217|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer17', 'Position 17', 22000, '45f6db1b-18cd-4986-8f46-ce8f02d9588d')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.217  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684217|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer18', 'Position 18', 23000, 'b4312298-a818-4b7a-9cff-7923328de4dc')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.218  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684218|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer19', 'Position 19', 24000, 'efe7e3d2-da11-40ce-9fee-6f77726499db')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.218  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684218|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer20', 'Position 20', 25000, 'd51484c3-36e2-4737-b5c9-135709ad1d30')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.808  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684808|2|statement|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer20', 'Position 20', 25000, 'd51484c3-36e2-4737-b5c9-135709ad1d30')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.811  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684811|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer21', 'Position 21', 26000, '8c7e0e43-f89f-4000-8367-3406974102f4')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.811  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684811|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer22', 'Position 22', 27000, 'ab757793-1c45-4861-aff8-aa5cea3c8bd5')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.812  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684812|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer23', 'Position 23', 28000, 'edf18735-cc27-437b-9a28-156f57b51343')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.812  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684812|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer24', 'Position 24', 29000, 'c882f053-2e9a-405f-bb94-3ba83303aefe')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.812  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684812|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer25', 'Position 25', 30000, 'd6af1feb-5842-4b40-816d-8e2aaa2ce9b3')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.812  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684812|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer26', 'Position 26', 31000, '48f6a4cb-5671-4b73-bb51-3e37964fa136')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.813  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684812|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer27', 'Position 27', 32000, '6ac59ed6-2a0f-4dbb-a6d7-7231a9c9d2cc')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.813  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684813|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer28', 'Position 28', 33000, '57565a6a-4e44-4fe0-86bd-837a9687487d')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.813  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684813|0|batch|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer29', 'Position 29', 34000, 'f3c2dbdd-5d54-4bf3-86d2-327c60ee5cc0')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.814  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684814|1|statement|connection 7|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into customer (name, position, salary, id) values ('Customer29', 'Position 29', 34000, 'f3c2dbdd-5d54-4bf3-86d2-327c60ee5cc0')
2015-12-14 19:38:04.817  INFO 14116 --- [io-18080-exec-3] p6spy  : 1450114684817|2|commit|connection 7||

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